Clown Dog Anniversary-Austin,TX

We're all about partying for a good cause. If anyone's in Austin and knows Clown Dog Bikes, swing by & give some support:

Once again it's time for the Dog's anniversary party. This year we're combining our party with a benefit for the local non-profit bike gods at the Yellow Bike Project. The city has given them a hundred year lease on a piece of land and now the mission is to raise money to build the facility. Monthly benefits and private donations have gotten them about halfway there. We hope to raise a couple thousand American dollars at our party.
Our party is going to be at the Scoot Inn this Saturday. We're having a slow race, a small bike bunny hop and distance jump contest, tire toss, and some other bike shenanigans in the afternoon. Then, as the suns starts to creep down the bands start. We've got a drunken country band, a nerdy white rapper, a pole dancing crew performing with weird keyboard band, and a Queen cover band headlining.
It is looking like a fantastic party. We'll be selling raffle tickets and raffling off a Schwinn Jenny and a set of Velocity wheels and maybe a *chrome bag................Here's a flier. Yo. Thanks for your consideration of considering to make a considerably considerable donation to our celebration.

Love, Clown Pup John

*actually-we kicked down some of our new Chrome hip pouches along with some other goods. In fact, they're so new we haven't even thrown them on the site yet. Keep an eye out...should be available by this weekend!